Normal forward proxy: clients connect to the internet through this. Squid: http_port. Reverse / acceleator proxy: sits in front of servers to cache and route data. Squid: http_port accel. Transparent / intercepting proxy: requests are routed to this with a firewall / iptables without the client knowing.

Transparently Proxying VMs - mitmproxy Edit on GitHub # Transparently proxify virtual machines This walkthrough illustrates how to set up transparent proxying with mitmproxy. We use VirtualBox VMs with an Ubuntu proxy machine in this example, but the general Internet <–> Proxy VM <–> (Virtual) Internal Network setup can be applied to other setups. # 1.Configure Proxy VM Transparent Proxy with Linux and Squid mini-HOWTO 2.4 Proxy Authentication. 3. Configuring the Kernel. 4. Setting up squid. 5. Setting up iptables (Netfilter) 6. Transparent Proxy to a Remote Box . 6.1 First method (simpler, but does not work for some esoteric cases) 6.2 Second method (more complicated, but more general) 6.3 Method One: What if iptables-box is on a dynamic IP? 7. Transparent

iptables doesn't redirect http traffic to my Squid proxy

Mar 04, 2018

Sep 14, 2016

Running a man-in-the-middle proxy on a Raspberry Pi 3 Jan 09, 2019 Iptables - Transparent Proxy with only one interface - Tor Iptables - Transparent Proxy with only one interface. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 11 months ago. Active 2 years, 11 months ago. Viewed 626 times 1. I'm new to TOR and I'm trying to anonymize Internet connections from an automated malware analysis lab. All my machines are in the same subnetwork, and I just specify my TOR machine as a gateway for Squid proxy - a short guide (forward & transparent proxy